Hiring Process
10 Interview Questions to Avoid
Interviewing is a tricky situation. On one hand, you want to ask probing questions that will help you discover shortcomings in a prospective employee. On the other hand, if those questions cross the line, you can get yourself--and your company--into serious trouble. So what should you avoid? Here are 10 questions you should NEVER ask in an interview.
Guaranteeing Hiring Success
How to Interview and Hire Top People Each and Every Time
The most important aspect of any business is recruiting, selecting, and retaining top people. However, many companies rely on outdated and ineffective interviewing and hiring techniques. This article will review the steps you can take to ensure a great hire the first time.
The Art of the Job Offer
Job offers are tricky things. You want to present your offer positively, but you have to make sure you don't misrepresent the terms of employment. The fact that these misrepresentations may be verbal or unintentional is irrelevant. How can you prevent such misunderstandings and the costly lawsuits that can result?